Today’s best entertainment: Donald Trump’s Show.

He is loud-mouthed, he probably is a crook, which are worthy attributes for any aspiring politician but when he starts giving us his ideas about international affairs he comes up …

Renaissance of my blogs,I hope.

Since I bought a new computer a year ago and with Windows 7 and then 10 installed I have been unable to publish blogs. It didn’t help when hackers destroyed …

Lubbers that punish sailors.

There are 2 yacht ocean races on the go these days. One is the Volvo Around the World Ocean race which lasts about half a year, the other one is …

Bad Tools

Bad Tools.   I’ve just finished writing another book, number 4 and it has taken me some time because I think I started in 2007. It is more or less …

Animals, Religions, Slavery.

Many people, clever and stupid, have expressed opinions and theories about the differences between humans and animals. Up to about 30 years ago I didn’t have a notion about the …


    Hypocrisy seems to be a foundation stone for all religions that humans have invented. Later, governments did better still, the whole fabric of the state, foundations, walls and …

Violent Murder

No one in the world bothered much when, during a half forgotten court case, Nelson Mandela was condemned to jail for life in the sixties. South Africa, where the hell …

Vive les Idiots de Bruxelles

The world becomes more and more fascinating! Despite the fact that I’m in my winemaking part of the year I must take some time to show you folks the political …

Read my Blog: Weekly comment on the Human Condition