Hypocrisy seems to be a foundation stone for all religions that humans have invented. Later, governments did better still, the whole fabric of the state, foundations, walls and roofs are put together with the cement of hypocrisy to hide the craven antics of those that are supposed to be the leaders of human efforts to build a humanitarian society. Whatever that may mean.
Three hundred, 300, young girls have been made prisoner by a vile troop of muslim rapists and murderers in whose name? allah, of course. The leader of this boko haram rabble that performed this deed in Nigeria now states publicly that his bloody allah has now told him that to pay for the expense of the courageous capture of these terror stricken waifs he is obliged to sell them.
To another bunch of muslims, without a doubt.
Even Hitler did not tell us that god had told him to murder all the jews, it was his idea.
European human right’s wafflers now make vain noises but do bugger all and governments that spend billions on useless combat aircraft, natter about that bad boy Putin and the bloody Ukraine where the ruling politicians liked to have golden taps in their many bathrooms.
A small well paid army of capable chaps would cost less than one lousy politician. Properly equipped, they would wipe out, pirates, boko haram shit, rhino poachers, they could even get that idiot piece of crap in North Korea.
I’m ready to tell them where to go.
Ben alors t’écris plus? Es tu dépassé par les événements et ce carnage planétaire?
Merci de m’avoir inculqué ce goût de la mer car je suis persuadée qu’il n’y a que ça qui me tient et me fait oublier la sale réalité du quotidien . Ne pas s’informer est aussi une solution mais les médias sont partout.fin juillet c’est les fêtes de douarnenez et ensuite on en quille sur St Malo pour les branle-bats de régates . J’y vais aussi demain pour chercher ingrid dimanche matin